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How a Personal Trainer Palm Harbor Can Help You With Your Diet

Dieting is more than just losing weight, it is about committing to a healthy lifestyle. Dieting is  word that could make you overweight because you are choosing to diet, instead of change your habits completely going forward. Making drastic lifestyle changes on your own, will result in an unsuccessful attempt to adjust to healthy eating habits. When you get with a personal trainer Palm Harbor, he or she can help you develop a healthier diet.

Healthy Diet Tips From A Personal Trainer

Food diary

 Personal Trainer Palm HarborOur personal trainer Palm Harbor will help you with making healthy lifestyle changes by discussing a few key factors with you. First, your personal trainer Palm Harbor, will most likely recommend you keep a food diary. A food diary is a journal that you use to record what you have eaten throughout the day. It is best for you to record what you eat as or immediately after eating it, instead of waiting until the end of the day.

If you decide to wait until the very end of the day to record what you have eaten in your food diary, you are more likely to forget something. While the handful of M&Ms, and can of soda you grabbed as a mid-afternoon snack may not seem like a lot, it does make a difference when it comes to counting calories.

A food diary is also a useful tool for tracking progress. One of our  personal trainers may take a look through your food diary and make suggestions to help you ease into healthier food choices. For example, if you recorded that you eat a peanut butter and jelly sandwich on white bread, and a bag of potato chips for lunch on Tuesday, your personal trainer Palm Harbor may make a suggestion for you and offer you better alternatives.

Healthy Food Changes

When your personal trainer Palm Harbor discusses a healthy, balanced diet with you, he/she will recommend you consume a variety of foods. We will look at what works for your body and talk to you about how you would be changing your lifestyle and your relationship with food.  Most people are a bit dependent on food and we will address that and teach you how to eat when you’re hungry and what sorts of foods you should be eating.

These are just a few things we go through with you when you use us for personal training.  It is so important to have a whole mind, body and healthy food approach to creating a lifestyle change that will last.

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Bodies by Design • 33118 US Hwy 19 N • Palm Harbor, FL 34684 • 727-784-2500